Thanks to my friend, Michael, for these questions. Deffinetly go check his site out. It is linked at the bottom of every pg on my website.
Q:What is html? What is CSS? A: HTML and CSS are coding types to use for ones code.
Q: Who are you? Why should I read this pawsome site? A: My name is CrybabyRaven, no thats not my real name but i will not share that info online to people who dont know me. I am 2 months away from being a 14 year old bisexual, demigirl. No one is frocing you to read this site if you dont want. Thank Youz :)
Q: What's your favourite animal? A: I personally love all animals but cats, foxes, and ferrets are my favourite. And i am a cat mom to a beautiful little girl named Amaya.
Q: DO U LIEK WAFFELZ???!!!??? A: Yes... I feel a little threatened. Please dont hurt me earthling... TwT
Q: What music do you like? A: Usually Melanine Marteniez, Some Talyor Swift, Olvia Rodrigo, Connan Gray, Mccafferty, The front Bottoms, and lots others.
Q: Where are you from? A: Im from South Carolinia,
Q: What are some fandoms you're in?
Q: Do you write fanfic/draw fanart?
Q: Do you like dem queers? DEM QUEEEEEEEEEEEERS??!?!??!?!?!?!?